Month: December 2022

Just Released: Transmedia Stories: Narrative Methods for Public Health and Social Justice

We are proud to announce the publication of Patrick Jagoda, Ireashia Bennett, and Ashlyn Sparrow’s Transmedia Stories: Narrative Methods for Public Health and Social Justice. Transmedia Stories is an experiment in multimedia publication and collaboration that explores storytelling-based research methods. With the growth of digital media, narrative is now conveyed through a range of new

Just Released: America’s Public Bible: A Commentary

Please join us in celebrating the release of Lincoln A. Mullen’s America’s Public Bible: A Commentary. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century, newspapers in the United States—even newspapers which were not published by a religious denomination or organization—made frequent recourse to the Bible. Newspapers printed sermons and Sunday school lessons. They featured

Reflections on a Digital Publishing Program, Part 1

December 31, 2022 will mark the end of the eighth year of Stanford University Press’s nine-year digital publishing initiative, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. With one year to wrap things up, it seems an appropriate moment to begin reflecting on our achievements. This program of born-digital publishing projects, initially christened Interactive Scholarly Works