December 31, 2022 will mark the end of the eighth year of Stanford University Press’s nine-year digital publishing initiative, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. With one year to wrap things up, it seems an appropriate moment to begin reflecting on our achievements. This program of born-digital publishing projects, initially christened Interactive Scholarly Works
The three-year grant will help accelerate growth and ensure ongoing success of the digital publishing program. A proposal to continue the development of a digital publishing initiative at Stanford University has been awarded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Modeling how humanistic and social science research is presented and disseminated online, the Stanford University Press
We are now two and a half years into our four-year experiment in digital publishing. Our goal, to establish a program for the formal, peer-reviewed publication of scholarly works that are truly interactive, with no print counterpart, was an ambitious one, and the learning curve has been incredibly steep. But we’re now at the point